1. Diving Canary Islands – Hands down one of the best places to dive in Europe. With year-round warm waters and volcanic underwater landscapes, freediving and scuba diving Canary Islands is a dream. Boasting massive schools of fish, curious rays, and the occassional hammerhead. With plenty of all-inclusive diving resorts, you can sleep, dive, eat, repeat.
2. Scuba & Freediving Malta – The iconic Blue Hole and eerie wreck of the Um El Faroud are a must! Get amongst the Gozo freediving community and the pumping Malta scuba diving scene for breathtaking caves, dramatic drop-offs, and historic wrecks.
3. Diving in Greece – Greece isn’t just about ancient ruins and olives (though both are excellent). Diving in Greece offers a mix of reefs, underwater caverns, and even archaeological dive sites where you can explore remnants of the past. For those who prefer a breath-hold, freedive Greece to glide through crevice’s, cracks and crystal waters worthy of the gods.